November 11, 2010

Part 2 (Late)

Sorry it took so long to post this! 

To Mrs. G(a sunday school teacher)-
 Thanks for first introducing me to the world outside my own. For going to Africa and asking me to pray for you, for bringing me back stories, pictures, and a wooden giraffe. Thanks so much for teaching us all to think about the bigger picture for reading up missionary stories. Thanks for opening up my heart to the possibility of missions.

To AL(my younger sister)-
  Thanks for having a sensitive heart. Thanks for loving nature and outdoors. Thanks for being like me and letting me see what I have done right.... and what I have done wrong. What I need to change and what I need to correct. Thanks for loving  your friends (even if they move across the ocean) and thanks for trying to keep in touch with them. Thanks for not letting them just slip away but showing me I need to pursue relationships with others. Thanks for all the times I get messages in my inbox from your friends :) 

To CA(an old friend from church)-
 Thanks for showing me its ok to hurt. Thanks for helping me learn to forgive. Thanks for showing me its ok to be open with friends. And even through all the pain... thanks for showing me how to let go. Thanks for being my friend no matter how short a time it was and thanks for showing me that their was someone out their waiting to be my friend. Thanks for being used to show me it was time to move on and let go. And most of all thanks for showing me how to guard my heart and not jump right in to situations. 

To N(my oldest, younger brother)-
    Thanks for all the times of you, me, mom, and dad. Thanks for teaching me how to deal with annoying people :) (and you really weren't THAT bad) Thanks for setting goals and sticking with them. Thanks for being disciplined and hard working. Thanks for working with me, I am so thankful for you now that we get along. I hope you know how special you are! 

To MD(a friend from school)-
  Thanks for showing me to guard my heart above all else. Thanks for showing me not to believe in lies and not to judge people without knowing them. Thanks for showing me not everyone is who they say they are and to always be on guard. I will always be praying for you! 

To Mom-
Thanks for always keeping us in mind first. Thanks for going through things before me and helping me make it through them. Thanks for encouraging me and for showing me how to deal with my emotions. Thanks for always trying to help and do what is best for me. Most of all thanks for always being faithful to dad and giving me an example in marriage in the future. I am truly blessed to have you as a mom.

To Great Grandma-
 Thanks for being a spiritual influence. Thanks for taking the time to play games when I was little, thanks for letting me help in the kitchen, thanks for taking time to invest in me. Thanks for telling me stories from when you grew up and from when you were younger. Thanks for telling me about when Great Grandpa died this spring... I know that was hard for you but I needed to hear it. 

To AB(Best friend growing up)-
 Thanks for  being a homeschooler like me :) Thanks for the overnights, American Girl doll skits, and amazing crafts. Yes, you were always the best at doing cool crafts and stamping. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for showing me best friends do exist. Thanks for even coming over and talking at the pool this summer. Thanks for freaking Zach out on face book that one night! 

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