November 16, 2010

The blogger returns (Duhn duhn duhn *scary music*)

So this is that crazy blogger person that Nutmeg sometimes lets post of her blog for some reason. I don't have much to say. Except that Nutmeg is a super awesome person. They should put her in the super awesome person hall-of-fame. I mean, would you let a person like me type on your blog? It takes someone super awesome to do that. So once upon a time there was a sharpie, it was a very cool sharpie. But it could talk. No matter how much someone tries to convince you it could talk, it didn't. Because we all know sharpies don't talk. But because my story would be boring if the sharpie couldn't talk, so we are going to say that the sharpie can talk. Now this sharpie talked all the time and didn't know when to stop talking (kinda like me right now). So the spin-ie (spinny? Spinn-e? spinnie? Spinning?) chair told the sharpie to be quiet, but the sharpie wouldn't be quiet. So the chair picked up the sharpie and threw it across the room. (Now readers, please don't do this at home. Sharpies do have feelings no matter who tries to convince you otherwise.) The poor sharpie was so ashamed it jump into a backpack. Now you may think this is a very depressing ending to a perfectly (or not so perfectly-yes this is bad grammar) story but its really not. The chair was happy because it could get some sleep because the chair didn't talk its head off and the sharpie met a nice dry-erase marker and they became best of buds. And Nutmeg is happy because finally, I am ending this SUPER long blog that had no point to it.

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