September 30, 2010

This Week

It's been so long since I have blogged. So much has happened. St. Louis was absolutely incredible last weekend. I will blog more about that later. Some how I made it through this weekend. Life is really busy.
I hope to get back to blogging soon. :)

September 23, 2010


I can't believe this week is almost over. It has been so busy! The above pictures are from my mom's blog... but I love them! This week I had school, JS spend the night, venturing, work, chores etc etc.
Tomorrow I leave for ST. Lious. It seems like ages ago we started preparing for this. I am very excited! I am a little nervous about who is going... it will be interesting though!

September 21, 2010

200th Post!

Sorry about the blur.... but it had the state on it. 

So I have spent a lot of time contemplating this. I wasn't sure what to do to celebrate my 200th blog post. So I have decided, in honor of this event... to show you a few of my favorite pictures of us in colorado! 
Besides the fact I look like I am four, I love this picture... who knew their were reasons for makeup in the wilderness????

Also I am taking this opportunity to introduce my new blog Eloquent Photography. I decided that my photography was taking up so much of the posts on this blog that I wasn't using this blog like I had intended. So that is where most of my photography will be posted.


September 18, 2010

Pizza Night!

J's very own Pizza

J and I made pizza for dinner tonight. J was very excited about it :)

Marie Madeline Giveway!

This website is really cool! They have so much neat stuff!
There is a give away going on here for $100 to their shop- you will have to scroll down to the fourth or fifth post down!

September 17, 2010

My Life


Cheese Cake :) 

Birthday Party Planning

Science Fair :( 


School Books

This is pretty much the last week in pictures. I finished the Daniel Fast on tuesday and to celebrate how well I did my awesome mother made me cheesecake. It is my favorite desert. I lost a lot of weight during the fast and I would like to keep eating in a similar way. A few weeks ago I got creamed at basketball and later one of my friends told my I should teach myself something new, so I decided to teach myself how to shoot baskets. I have been shooting an average of 25 a day. I have noticed some improvement over the last few days. One night this week my mom and I planned my sweet sixteen. I am going to do am murder mystery party. Should be really fun, can't wait for a month. I started my science fair project today.... which was sad! I can't believe I had to start it already. Oh well, at least its my last year. While I was setting it up... the ants got to me.  It was creepy! I don't like little creatures crawling on me. Today I had to clean potatoes also, which creeps me out. The last picture is of homework.... something I have done a lot of this week. Yesterday I went to school with dad and studied for a few hours. I got an awful lot done. It was wonderful. Then my dad and I went to a college fair. It was very informational. I really enjoyed it. Well I need to get to bed now... two soccer games in the morning. I had a few games this week as well. Good money :)  

September 13, 2010

Sand Dunes

I wanna go back! I love it so much! 


So yesterday I went grocery shopping. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love to grocery shop. (I am strange like that! I love doing dishes, shopping etc.) I spent time with L playing dolls. Today I had school and it was free coffee day at UDF. I received my free books from Mrs. Cassel @ She still has books left if you want some! I reffed a soccer game today, finished homework in a decent amount of time and now I am watching "While You Were Sleeping" one of my favorite movies. Good days!

September 11, 2010

9 Years Ago Today...

Was a Tuesday
A normal Tuesday
A Tuesday where Mom went to Bible Study 
Meaning us kids were in the nursery playing and doing school
Just like every other Tuesday
All of the us were quickly rushed home. None of us truly understood what was happening. Our mothers came and picked us up early. They were all panicked. All of us went home. Dad was there shortly after us. We just sat in front of the TV the rest of the day. Being 6 and 3, N and I didn't really care..... I remember thinking is was scary the first couple times we watched. Then I just got bored and wondered why in the world they were showing the same thing on TV over and over again! I didn't understand the ramifications until the last few years. 

At the five year Anniversary I was fascinated.... watched all the stories etc. I could get my hands on.  
I can't believe that not even 10 years later we totally forget about it. I have to honestly say I did! That is so sad to me! We just take so much for granted!  

I think today should be a good reminder to all of us to: 
To take NOTHING for granted 

To Pray for guidance from our leaders

Remember to pray for them
Especially our own lives
Pray for that country so many of us call home. 
And NEVER take them for granted!
 Take a moment to Thank these guys


Jesus Saves!

I Just Love MY God!

September 8, 2010


Normally, I stay up late trying to get homework done. That is because I waste so much time during the day.
Today, I am pleased to say I had all my homework done when I left school. Since I got home I have finished Chemistry for Monday, become aquatinted with my books, organized, completed grammar for tuesday, studied the books of the Bible and their spellings for a quiz tomorrow. I even managed to watch a veggie tale movie my friend gave me....( a story for another day but a funny one at that), run,  and talk to my mom about some stuff I have been worried about. I am now headed to bed before 10:15!

September 7, 2010

I am alive

I need to go to bed, just wanted to give a quick update....

1. School was very fun
2. School will be a lot of work
3. I have lot's of textbooks
4. Best reffing ever today! The kid I reffed with was awesome with the kids!
5. Venturing was very fun!

I will try and update more soon... tomorrow will probably be just another quick update... Hopefully Thursday I can post pictures etc.

<3 God's Grl

September 6, 2010


I am learning that families all function differently. I am so thankful for mine. I am so thankful that my parents make an effort to put all of us through a christian education. They let us choose what we want and value that. I am so so thankful for all five of my crazy siblings and two awesome parents! I love you all!

Chocolate :)

Because of it being a holiday and having company I just ate normally, in small proportions. One thing we had was this chocolate mousse. It was amazing! Thanks mom!

Daniel Fast Day Eleven

I just had an apple for breakfast.

For lunch we made rice and beans. My mom and I were doing Bible study so we had a "picnic" on her bed.

Everyone else had brots + this. I had this + carrots.

Tomorrow for breakfast I am going to make "cereal" like I made the other day. For lunch I am going to have rice and beans again. As far as dinner is concerned I have a soccer game to be at, at 5:30 and venturing in the evening so I have no idea what I will eat.... possibly just potatoes.

Back to School

I never thought I would see the day where we would all six be headed to school. Six backpacks, 6 lunches made, and 6 children ready for school! Tomorrow is my first day of school, N will begin his third week, and everyone else is headed into their second week. 

Colorado Skies


September 4, 2010


Something that is a fairly common occurrence for me is to see a homeless person on the side of the road on the way to school because of going to school in the city. I used to care about those people, but lately I find my self more and more frustrated with them. I have no idea why... but I do. Anyway, yesterday we were getting of the Interstate and their was a man on the side of the road with a sign and my little sister was touched. She immediately thought we should pray for him. I guess its true what Jesus said about all of us needing a heart like the little children.


I have struggled a lot of my life with loneliness. I have spent a lot of the last few years really without friends. I know the feeling of being in a room full of people and feeling alone all to well. In the past I have had the kind of friends you have in Kindergarten when everyone is your best friend, but I have never had a friend who followed the biblical standards. OK, so I know those friends are few and far between and I defiantly have had people to hang out with, but then we switched churches between my 4th and 5th grade year and since then my "friends" have been few and far between. Going to school a year and a half ago was so good for me! I have a great group of friends and an amazing best friend. I really don't like the term "best friend" but that is what JS is. She always knows how to make me smile. From diabolical schemes to scaring all of my friends (the ones she know and the ones she doesn't). She is   a great example for me in school, as she cares about her grades and studies hard. And although her grades come easier to her then me she still struggles through the material. She is the kind of person who is ok with being confronted and doesn't mind confronting others. She rejoices with the good in my life, is a shoulder to cry on, and ears to confide in. We relate to each other in most situations and bible study/accountability with her is so fun! She is encouraging and is just fun to be around. I am SO SO SO thankful for her! God is so good to put her in my life!  

September 3, 2010

Fast Breaking

                      Today for breakfast I had Banana fried in Lemon juice with craisins and pistachios.

                   I made avocado dip for lunch and munched on some popcorn this afternoon.

Tonight we are having a cook-out so mom, dad, and I are all breaking our fasts in moderation. So I will have one hotdog and a little bit of beans, eggs, and chocolate brownie. :) Tomorrow I will go back to fasting till dessert for dinner... then I will have a little. It is a holiday weekend and we have company so I will just make up for it later.

Daniel Fast Can and Cant's

The daniel fast is taken from the fast daniel does in Daniel 10. Verse 2&3 say “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” The fast has been adapted from this form of diet. It can be taken at many different levels or degrees and in many different forms or ways. Each person must choose his own diet choices.  

For me I chose to eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, dried fruit, popcorn with butter salt, humus, wheat bread, corn flour chips, 100% juice, decaffeinated tea, legumes, rice and whole wheat pasta.

For me I have chosen not to eat: 
Sugar in any form besides natural. 
Chocolate... Anything 
Soda, Caffeine, and all other drinks with sugar. 
White Flour in anything
Candy, Cookies, Cake etc.

Who knew everything sugar is in!

That is my summary of the do's and don'ts. 
Dairy of all kinds... including butter.

To Find out more check out this site.

September 2, 2010

Daniel Fast

The Daniel fast is something I have heard about every now and then. I had never really thought about it. Then one of my friends thought about doing it and I started wondering about it. Then while on vacation my dad mentioned doing it. I started praying about it. I decided it would be good for me to eat healthier, deal with the temptations, and most of all just prove to myself that with will-power I could push threw something hard. This fast has been a cleansing experience for me. It has proved to me I can do things I never thought I could do. Most of all it has helped me to believe in myself. Something I struggle a lot with.

<3 God'sGrl

More about what the fast is tomorrow!

Daniel fast day Ten

                                                           Breakfast was fresh fruit.
Smoothie for lunch!

Vegetarian taco soup for dinner. 

September 1, 2010


I have had a few questions about what the daniel fast is etc. I will plan on blogging about that tomorrow.

Anyway, I am very attached to my friends. I really haven't talked to any of them for a while. That makes me depend much more on God then my friends and me. And That is Hard!!! So yea that is where I am at... at home when all my sibs are in school .... just dying for school to start. I miss my friends and I need something to do in life. What is strange is that I have noticed that I have been really moody lately. I never have been really moody but for some reason.... (whether from my eating or from boredom or something) I have been this week. I am hoping getting back on a schedule will help.

Tomorrow I test for my yellow belt in karate..... I AM SCARED TO DEATH!    

Daniel fast day Nine

Today for breakfast I had mixed fruit. 
Lunch was something different. All of these 
Plus some Avocados and other fresh veggies.  
Dinner was cooked veggies with spaghetti.