September 4, 2010


I have struggled a lot of my life with loneliness. I have spent a lot of the last few years really without friends. I know the feeling of being in a room full of people and feeling alone all to well. In the past I have had the kind of friends you have in Kindergarten when everyone is your best friend, but I have never had a friend who followed the biblical standards. OK, so I know those friends are few and far between and I defiantly have had people to hang out with, but then we switched churches between my 4th and 5th grade year and since then my "friends" have been few and far between. Going to school a year and a half ago was so good for me! I have a great group of friends and an amazing best friend. I really don't like the term "best friend" but that is what JS is. She always knows how to make me smile. From diabolical schemes to scaring all of my friends (the ones she know and the ones she doesn't). She is   a great example for me in school, as she cares about her grades and studies hard. And although her grades come easier to her then me she still struggles through the material. She is the kind of person who is ok with being confronted and doesn't mind confronting others. She rejoices with the good in my life, is a shoulder to cry on, and ears to confide in. We relate to each other in most situations and bible study/accountability with her is so fun! She is encouraging and is just fun to be around. I am SO SO SO thankful for her! God is so good to put her in my life!  

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