My absolute first and favorite part of the trip was just seeing how great our God is. I saw his hand all the way through this trip. He had been preparing me for this trip all year. For instance a year ago, as funny as it seems, there is no way I would sit next to or talk to any boys. I don't know why but for some reason I was so shy around boys, probably just because of being home-schooled and not really being around them much, but even last year, when I went to school I still fell in with a crowd that was made up of all girls (whom still mean a lot to me). Anyway I was pretty sheltered and didn't really know how to hang out with boys. Yet this year God brought me DC who although was shy at the beginning which is hard to believe now (sorry DC) but we have a great relationship now. We get along well now and he is one of my good friends... but it was a gradual thing. Well I love the kids in my venturing crew but I don't exactly fit in with them, but we had 3 boy scouts travel with us. DS and I connected on the first night in Colorado and stayed up talking every night. We talked all the time and just hung out. It was very fun to have someone to connect with and talk to about faith and stuff. I love how God prepared me all year for this and now two of my good friends are boys but thats ok with me! For me guys make great friends and are often easier to hang out with. I just think its cool how God worked it out.
Also while climbing the Mountain, most people ended up running out of water, so I shared what I had. I had less then 2 liters in my Clamelbak, but yet didn't run out of water the whole trip. When I got back to camp, I checked on my water level. It was completely empty, not a drop left! I love how God works!