June 23, 2010
According to Dictionary.com-
con·sum·er [kuhn-soo-mer]
1.a person or thing that consumes.
2.Economics . a person or organization that uses a commodity or service.
3.Ecology . an organism, usually an animal, that feeds on plants or other animals.
con·sume [kuhn-soom] Show IPA verb, -sumed, -sum·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1.to destroy or expend by use; use up.
2.to eat or drink up; devour.
3.to destroy, as by decomposition or burning: Fire consumed the forest.
4.to spend (money, time, etc.) wastefully.
5.to absorb; engross: consumed with curiosity.
verb (used without object)
6.to undergo destruction; waste away.
7.to use or use up consumer goods.
How scary is it that the society we live in is known as a consumer society or a destroying society? How is it that we can spend $4 for a Starbucks, yet we don't have enough money to help our fellow man, not as fortunate as us? How is it that we spend hours on Facebook instead of doing homework, yet we expect A's?
This subject has become very real to me this quarter. My grades stood in the way of me getting into the classes I wanted. My friendships all stood on the rocks. My relationship with God was sinking. My siblings and I weren't getting along the greatest. My busy schedule kept me from doing anything with care or passion. My life was pulling me is so many directions. You know there is a problem when you feel like a stranger in your own home, when you don't care much about anything, when your feeling lost in the daily routine. This is exactly where I was less than a month ago, everything on the rocks... unsure of everything.
Our pastor this summer is talking about James and, although I was unsure in my faith, I started having convictions about the whole matter of consumerism and materialism.
I was really convicted about the amount of time I spent on facebook, I realized that was the root of some of my problems, too much time talking to my friends so they annoyed me, not enough time with my siblings, time avoiding homework and other things etc. etc. I deleted my facebook in order to get rid of the problem. It didn't become real to me how big a problem this was until now 2 weeks later I find myself still typing in the "Fa" for facebook when I get on the computer just out of habit and I cannot find anything to do with my life with out it. I am totally lost!! So facebook is not bad, in fact I think its really great, but for me it was an unneeded wast of time.
Because, surprisingly, to myself I have lived two weeks without it! Somehow I found this verse "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)" and it was a great reminder of who God is and what he does. I am still working on this issue, but through God's grace it is defiantly better. I just wanted to challenge you about the common issue of consumerism, it gets into our lives and eats away at the root.
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love this... glad God is working in your life and you are listening. -Miss Sarah