August 12, 2008


Today we were at the pool and my mom and I were talking about a book I just read. One of the things my mom asked is if I could change anything about my life what would it be? I told her I would change the amount I could do for countries like Haiti. I miss Haiti. I hate to say it but I am sick of being submersed with only whites and whites culture. I can't wait till the twins come home, I miss them so much. One, of my favorite songs has the phrase "If homes where the heart is then I am out of place. Lord help me make it through somehow." Which is how I feel, my heart is not at rest here. I am having such a hard time being content here.

I am going to try and start blogging 1 a week at least. each week I am going to try and learn a new fact about either Haiti or Africa. I will try to share them with you.


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