March 17, 2008

Long time no see!

Hey everyone~
For those of you who regularly check my blog I am sorry. I know it has been a long time since I blogged. I will try to go back and fill you in on the last few weeks throughout the next couple, but for now I will give a brief summary. My parents got home safely and they had a good time. We haven't had much go on over the last 2 weeks since then. i am taking a photography class at school and really like it. School is getting harder (the blues of growing up and advancing right? LOL!) I love the nice weather (ok, It may not be nice, but at least it is not snow.) If you are looking for good reading materiel you should try reading God's Blog's! A great book! I will have to do some entries on it later. GTG write more later.



  1. Glad things are going well. Come by my blog and check out my new look.

  2. I'm glad that you're liking the "God's Blogs" book! :)
