February 22, 2008

Tonight's thoughts

Today has been a really busy, unusual day. It all started normal. Me waking up at 6:30 to do my devotions. I finished them and the next thing I remember is my mom waking me up saying it is 7:45 why aren't you up yet. Then she tells me she has been up all night with Jellybean and Hershey throwing up, so Gum ball is my responsibility. So I get up and get dressed in my messy room actually disastrous room!LOL! Then I go down stairs and get Breakfast for the 2 of us. Then I attempt to do school and run Gum Ball through some activities. During break we went outside and I shoveled ice. (with some snow) While she played. Then we came in and had hot choclate and lunch. Then mom took over,but later I had a hair appointment. Now I gtg I have a meeting on Webkinz! LOL!


  1. Hope Hershey and Jellybean feel better! I'll be praying for them! Have you heard from China lately?


  2. Hope everyone is feeling better!
